Finals Basket- For the Girls
For your college girls during finals week!
Basket will include: Basket will include: Pretzels, Skinnypop Popcorn, Gummy Bears, Prime Energy drink packet, Pens & Highlighter, Water bottle, Emergen-C immunity packet, Stress ball, Hot chocolate packet, Warming eye mask, Essential oils stress relief roller ball, Aromatherapy foot socks, and lip balm.
Please note that the picture is an example and may not look exactly like the basket.
For your college girls during finals week!
Basket will include: Basket will include: Pretzels, Skinnypop Popcorn, Gummy Bears, Prime Energy drink packet, Pens & Highlighter, Water bottle, Emergen-C immunity packet, Stress ball, Hot chocolate packet, Warming eye mask, Essential oils stress relief roller ball, Aromatherapy foot socks, and lip balm.
Please note that the picture is an example and may not look exactly like the basket.
For your college girls during finals week!
Basket will include: Basket will include: Pretzels, Skinnypop Popcorn, Gummy Bears, Prime Energy drink packet, Pens & Highlighter, Water bottle, Emergen-C immunity packet, Stress ball, Hot chocolate packet, Warming eye mask, Essential oils stress relief roller ball, Aromatherapy foot socks, and lip balm.
Please note that the picture is an example and may not look exactly like the basket.